Whatsapp Marketing

Grow your business faster with WhatsApp Marketing

Bulk Campaigns & Broadcasts

Reach out to your customers with relevant communication to build recall and boost sales. Setup one-time or recurring campaigns Build campaign audiences based on customer attributes & events elevate campaign performance with rich media (images, videos, PDFs, etc.) and interactive message templates like CTAs & Quick Reply buttons send Non-transactional messages (discounts & offers, back-in-stock alerts, & more) Monitor campaign performance stats like no. of messages Sent, Delivered, Read & Replied to with Whatsapp Marketing!

Discount & Offers

Share personalized and timely alerts to inform customers about new offers. These communications can yield a lot of conversions. When done via Whatsapp, the impact can be massive. Plan these messages wisely to increase sales! Back-in-Stock Alerts Send back-in-stock alerts with clear CTAs to maximize sales opportunity. You could even personalize these alerts for every customer by linking it to their wishlists on your e-store!

Green Tick Verification

Techno Eye helps you apply for the Green tick on WhatsApp alongside your brand name to help you build credibility Conversation Analytics Monitor response & resolution times of your agents to improve your customer experience

Build a strong brand and grow happy customers with WhatsApp Business API

Reach out to your customers on their favorite channel and spark action with conversational engagement. Narrow the bridge between your brand and customers with personalized conversations and help them make informed decisions.

Enable a lovable experience and watch your brand grow

Reach out to more

Why hide a great brand from customers? Gain the limelight your brand deserves with brand presence on WhatsApp – a channel that 2 billion people across the globe absolutely love!


Know what they want

Smart businesses know their customers. Leverage our advanced analytics to optimize campaigns and give them exactly what they are looking for.


Extend timely help

Be the brand that cares and supports by automating FAQs regarding product requests, order tracking, and more.


Enable a safe experience

Build brand loyalty and earn ambassadors for your brand with quick, secure, personalized conversations.


A channel that brands love

Not just customers, even businesses find it easier to build relationships on a channel that enables quick access to customers and helps send across multiformat content.

Enriched functionalities for smooth engagements

Start Conversations

Don’t wait for customers to learn about your awesome brand. Initiate conversations and make it easy for them to reach out to you.


Verified Business Account

Gain trust with a verified account. Let your customers know that it is safe to interact with you and it isn’t a fraudster.


Try Our Templates

We’ll go the extra mile for you by helping you with templates that suit your brand and business objectives.


Rich Interactions

Text, image, video, audio, emoji, location, URLs, cards, quick replies, list pickers – get talking to your customers and facilitate a thoroughly engaging experience

Verified Whatsapp Broadcasting Application Features

Manage Multiple Whatsapp Verify Number

Users can select their own approved Verified whatsapp numbers ( if more then one ) so whatsapp will receive to their clients via selected number.


Broadcast Numbers

User can use multiple way to add number in your Verified whatsapp Broadcast

  1. Phone book group
  2. Upload csv file
  3. Past Phone Numbers

to send WhatsApp on these numbers From their verified WhatsApp number.


Select Template

At the time of sending user can select the previously added template ( Must approved on facebook )


Send Now / Schedule

User can send Verified WhatsApp Broadcast

  1. Now ( live )
  2. Schedule for the future.


Manage Template

Users get an option to upload all the templates which are approved at whatsapp. Users can select at the time of sending verified WhatsApp.

  1. Add Templates
  2. Edit Templates
  3. Remove Templates


We support all Template Type which are supported by Whatsapp like

  1. Text content with Header, Body and Footer
  2. Media content with Image or Video or Document – Need to select the media type while creating Template
  3. Content with Button


Single Chat Screen

You can manage the chat of all verified whatsapp numbers from the single chat window. Chat with the users and send

  1. Reply to user ( Text, Image or File )
  2. Send pre approved templates


Delivery Report – With Status

Users can see all the requests sent by them with a detailed report like status ( delivered /read/failed) according to the client’s number.


Phone Book

Create unlimited groups or tags to manage your contacts in the phone book. You can use those phonebook groups to broadcast verified whatsapp.



You will get all types of API which helps you to send broadcast sms as well as reply to your client from your software or ERP.


Webhook or Reply

API We also have a webhook or reply api which gives you information about replies sent by your client on your verified whatsapp number.

Verified Whatsapp Registration Process

1. Provide the document for Business Proof (GST Certificate or Company Registration document, etc.)

2. A Whatsapp Number to register (It should not be registered in any other whatsapp app)

-Billing details including GST Number

-About company (A short – description)

-Logo (640*640)
-Business category
-Website Verified

-Whatsapp Registration Process
-Relevant documents like (Gumasta certificate municipal certificate, Udhayam Aadhar certificate
-Relevant documents like (Gumasta certificate municipal certificate, Udhayam Aadhar certificate

Get in touch and let us know how we can help.

Customer Support

Drop us your queries on our official support email. We’ll soon get back to you with the solution.